I turn 49 today (October 2nd), in other words I start the 50th year of my life today. It is said life is short and I want to attempt to be the best self of me that I can. I ask my daughters, that they put their best effort in and the results will fall in place and always ask them to be the best version of themselves. So why should it change for me, irrespective of my age. In an effort to be the best self of me that I can , I am challenging myself to improve in various aspects and have decided to try to accomplish 50 different things 50 times before I turn 50. I broke the activities into 10 different aspects that hopefully help me become a better person in term of body, mind and soul.
The 10 areas I listed out were
Cardio (heart health)
Fitness (body health)
Staying connected (emotional health)
At home
Social media activities ( includes posting an update about 50@50 progress here)
Meditative (spiritual health)
Checkout the entire list here. In future posts, I will go into why I picked certain activities and why I think they are right for me. For example, I am not a couch potato and neither am I a 6-pack kind of guy, I have a small frame and would like to push myself to be the fittest version of me, so some activities may seem crazy (like 25 miles of human powered movement - walk, jog, bike, skate - every week for 50 weeks) and some may seem cop outs (take an interesting nature photo and sharing a photo on instagram as 2 activities). But they all have a reason behind them and over the next 50 weeks I will share about them. Writing out the reasons and sharing a bit about myself, will force me to contemplate, articulate and express the rationale making me a better person in the process (I hope).
As I said, life is too short - don't fight and discriminate, love and share instead - As there is enough to go around. Love is the one thing that grows when you share.